

Handprint Sheep

We take our holiday decorating seriously around here. Of course, holiday decorating means holiday crafts! Today Trevor and I made some handprint sheep to add to our growing wall of Easter art. 

I used a foam brush to spread an even layer of black paint on Trevor's hand. He carefully stamped his hand on white paper, making sure his fingers were close together (but not touching) and his thumb was as far away as it would go.

When the paint was dry, we cut out around the sheep. Trevor tore apart cotton balls, making little tufts, which he then glued to the sheep. One googly eye later, and the sheep was done.

Trevor ended up making four sheep. They're awfully cute!

This would be a really fun craft to do year after year, with the sheep getting progressively larger!


  1. Cory and I made these last night and today is Show and Tell day and yes, S is for Sheep! I posted a pic on FB. I love your list of A-Z kid crafts!

    I had your blog post up for Cory to see before we made this craft and told Cory that my friend Cindy gave me the idea and that the little boy in the photo was named Trevor. Now, all Cory talks about is Trevor and he wants to come over and play with him. :)

    1. I've said it many times before - I wish we didn't live on opposite sides of the country!


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