

Our Easter Cake

I love decorating cakes. I'm not particularly good at it, but that doesn't stop me from enjoying it. Part of my problem is that I am completely self-taught. Well, that's not totally true... when I was 11 years old, I enrolled in 4-H Cake Decorating, taught by Mrs. Tillman. We met four times, and I learned to make a decorating cone, properly insert tips and work the couplers, and pipe stars and leaves. Mrs. Tillman taught us how to make roses, but it would be a stretch to say that I actually learned that skill. When we arrived to each class, our practice cakes/cupcakes were already beautifully frosted for us, so I never learned how to achieve that smooth foundation. After the 4-H project ended, I took an approximately 23-year hiatus from cake decorating.

For the last several years, I've been decorating cakes again. I love playing with various decorating tips, and I've built up quite a collection. This year, Trevor and I made a cake for Easter:

As I said, I'm not particularly good at cake decorating, but I still think our cake is pretty cute!

We baked two round layers and let them cool. I cut arcs from each side of one layer to make two ears. (I've seen the remaining piece made into a bowtie for the bunny, but we didn't do that.) We arranged the three pieces on a cookie sheet and frosted everything with white frosting. I cut a stencil for the inner ears by folding a piece of copy paper in half and cutting out a arc. I opened it up, held it over each ear (very close, but not touching) and Trevor sprinkled a heavy layer pink decorator sugar through the opening. Trevor added two blueberry Jelly Belly eyes, a pink Jelly Belly nose, and then piped a mouth and whiskers with black frosting.

Happy Easter everyone!


  1. I think it turned out completely adorable and Trevor certainly looks happy with it and that's what matters most!

    I love your new blog Cindy! The color scheme and simplicity remind me of your scrapbook pages. =0)


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