

Crafts of My Childhood: Lite Brite

Look what my mom brought when she came to visit!  My old Lite-Brite!

I LOVED Lite-Brite.  I was surprised that there were undone papers in the box.  I thought I had done every single sheet a hundred times.  In fact, I used to study the enclosed order form in hopes that one day I could order refills.

Trevor chose an undone paper in the box and got to work. 

Smurfette!  The copyright date on it is 1983. Aha!  So it was my sister who didn't finish all her Lite-Brite designs.  I knew I'd done all of mine.

There were some blank sheets in the box too.  After much debate, Trevor decided to make an ice cream cone.

I thought back to 1979 and made what would have been the ultimate design for my 7-year old self:

I'm happy to report that Lite-Brite is just as fun as I remember it.  I did an Amazon search to see if they still sell it.  There is a modern version that is square and runs on batteries, but the ratings are fairly poor.  Fortunately, they do sell refill packs for the Classic Lite-Brite!  Trevor picked out his favorites and I put them on his Amazon wish list.  

What a fun blast from the past!


  1. HOW FUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!! I loved my lite-brite too! :):):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. Wow, I remember mine. Lots of creative fun. Too bad Hasbro doesn't make them anymore--look at their site and you'll see that they're now making a Lite Bright App instead.


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