

Circle Punches

I don't own a lot of punches.  They are bulky and hard to store, so I am extremely selective about the few that I have.  If a punch isn't a multi-tasker, there's no way I'm keeping it.  A friend once gave me a cow punch.  It was cute, but I can't imagine any situation in which I'd need a cow punch, let alone enough different ways to justify keeping it.

I have three circle punches.  One is 2.5", one is 1.5", and the last one is 1/2".  I use them often.  And just as often, I wish I had a 3", a 2" and a 1".  I'd definitely be willing to devote the storage space to those, especially since I'm no longer hanging onto things like the little (never)-used cow punch.

Technically, I have a few more circle punches.  My Crop-a-Dile punches 1/8" and 3/16".  My desktop 3-hole punch is 5/16" and my single hole-punch is 1/4".

Yesterday I shared two of the three cards I made from the scraps from my latest layout.  Today I'll show you the third. 

I used my 1/2" circle punch once and my 1/4" hole punch numerous times.  How many can you count? 

Answer: I used the 1/4" inch hole punch 26 times!  Now that is a versatile punch!

I love how easy it is to get such different looks from a single tool.  I'm sure I didn't even scratch the surface of how a single hole punch can be used on a card.


  1. Great idea Cindy! Thanks for sharing. I don't have those smaller circle punches, but see how versatile they are here on your card. ~ Blessings

  2. This is soooooooooooo AWESOME! I loveeeeee how you used your circles! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  3. I figured there was something with the flower petals, but didn't get it until you pointed it out. Very clever!


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