

From Layout to Sketch

The very talented Pam Callaghan at Ideas for Scrapbookers asked readers to submit one of their favorite layouts for her to turn into a sketch.  I sent in this one:

When I made this layout, I struggled with the photos for awhile.  But once I decided to crop one of them and use that space for the title, the rest of the layout fell quickly into place.  Well, it wasn't all quick... it took awhile to cut out those dinky little bees by hand!  I like how it all turned out.

Pam liked it too, as she turned it into this awesome sketch:

I love this sketch!  I can't wait to scraplift myself.  It's funny how I barely recognize my own layout in the sketch- it looks so different in this form.


  1. That is sooooooooooooooooooooo AWESOME!!! Congrats on having your lo turn into a sketch! :):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. This is adorable!!!! photos and layout!

  3. Love the layout and the sketch. It's a simple format that can be used for many different themes. I'll be sure and use it soon and post the results :)

  4. I love this layout and so cool that Pam turned it into a sketch!! I saw it over on IFS too - congrats :)


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