

Rosemary Chicken

Rosemary Chicken has become a dinner staple around our house.  It's fast, easy, and delicious.

It's also inexpensive, since we have a large rosemary plant just outside the kitchen. With fresh rosemary available 365 days a year, I don't even have to plan ahead when I decide to make Rosemary Chicken.

(By the way, rosemary is the absolute easiest plant to grow, at least in this climate. You cannot kill it. It thrives 
with no attention whatsoever. We literally do nothing to it besides hack away at it when it gets too big.) 

I developed the recipe for Rosemary Chicken in 2007 for a "Light Summer Appetizer" contest at the county fair. Here's what my entry looked like:

I won second place. 

(Trevor had just turned one a week earlier. This was his first county fair visit.)

After the fair, I made some slight adaptations to the recipe to change it from an appetizer to an entree. And now it's a deRosier favorite.

Rosemary Chicken

                                                 2 chicken breasts, cubed                           1 tsp. minced garlic
                                                 1 T. olive oil                                                  1 tsp. instant bouillon
                                                 1 T. minced rosemary                                 2 T. red wine vinegar

Harvest a large sprig of rosemary. Remove stem and discard. 

Mince rosemary and garlic.

In a large pan, heat oil. Add chicken; brown on all sides (might need to be done in batches, depending on the size of your pan.) Just before chicken is cooked through, add garlic, rosemary and bouillon and mix well. Cook one minute, then remove from pan. 

Add red wine vinegar to the pan and deglaze. Serve chicken over rice and pour pan juices on top. Enjoy!


  1. Yummmmmmmmmmmm! And loveeeeeeeeee that photo of you and little Trevor!! He is soooooooooooo cute! :):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. yum! I actually have a small rosemary plant, nearly everything else had died it's still going strong :) Ken made something similar to this, we'll have to try your receipe next time!

  3. One of my absolute favorites! How about tonight?

  4. Thanks for sharing! I have a bumper crop of rosemary this year & I'm trying to figure out what to do with all of it. Will definitely be giving this a try ths week!

  5. Adding this to my to cook list! We just planted a rosemary plant of our own a few days ago after I had sticker shock. I paid $3.00 for a handful of sprigs of organic rosemary at the market and went wait... I can buy a plant for $3.00 and have it whenever I want. LOL


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