

Our Giving Tree

In the spirit of giving, Lead Fiskateer Angela Daniels challenged the Fiskateers to create a "Giving Tree" in our yards, decorated with edible ornaments for local wildlife.  I loved the idea and knew that Trevor would be thrilled.  I decided we'd do a play on the classic pinecone smeared in peanut butter and rolled in birdseed. 

We gathered supplies: a slice of bread, a cookie cutter, a straw, yarn, a knife, peanut butter, and sunflower seeds.

We used the cookie cutter to cut a star shape from the bread, reserving the negative to create a second ornament.  We used the straw to punch a hole in the star shape, then added yarn to both of our ornaments. 

Trevor carefully spread peanut butter on the bread, then sprinkled on the sunflower seeds.  We pressed the seeds on so they were secure, turned the ornaments over, and repeated on the other side.

We selected our tree and hung up our ornaments.

So pretty and such a fun craft!  We'll definitely be adding to our Giving Tree over the next few weeks.


  1. This is awesome. I think we will create one this weekend too and I'll link back to you. Thanks for posting this project. Love it!

  2. Awww...What a sweet and thoughtful gift for the local wildlife! :)

  3. I think this is an awesome idea. I'm going to ask my kids if they want to make one too!


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