

Color Challenge: Red, Pink and Lime

Whenever I can, I like to play along with the challenges at the Fiskateers site, especially Lead Fiskateer Tami's monthly color challenge.  December's was the "Mr. Grinch" challenge- use red, bright pink and lime green together.  Yikes- challenging, indeed!  To make it even more of a challenge, I decided to only use scraps- no cutting into a whole piece of paper to make a small card.

I envisioned a clean and modern Christmas card.  Here's what I made:  

I never thought I'd like red, hot pink and lime together, but I totally think it works.  Especially with the red rhinestones.  And that's why I love color challenges so much- I never would have tried this combination on my own!


  1. I loveeeeeeeee that color pattern! This is beautiful! :):):):):):):):)

  2. I don't think I've ever used this color combo but I have to say: it looks great!

  3. Love the color combo...the pink and red strips look fabulous! :)


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