

My Big Day

This is a really big day for me.  Two incredibly exciting things are happening.

  • Today is my 40th birthday!  After spending a lot of time thinking about how I want to celebrate, I decided I will be spending my 40th year trying 40 things I've always wanted to do.  I started a list (which you can see here) and have been adding to it over the past month.  On my list are places I've never been, foods I've never eaten, crafts I've never done, cooking techniques I've never tried, and a bunch of other miscellaneous things I've always wanted to do.  I'll have periodic updates here on the blog to let you know how I'm coming on my 40 Things. 


  • My first paid article is being published today!  While my #1 job is being a stay-at-home mom to Trevor, it has long been a goal of mine to make money in the scrapbook industry.  When I applied as a Scrapjazz Contributor, I didn't think I would get the job.  Paid jobs are rare in the scrapbook industry, with lots of people competing for them.  I was absolutely thrilled when I was offered the job.  I turned in my first article in early January and was told it would be published in March.  Just a few days ago, I found out that the exact publication date would be March 12, my 40th birthday!  What a happy coincidence.  

My first article, "Using Your Camera's Self-Timer" can be found under New Articles in the Learning section of

Have a wonderful day everyone!  I know I will!


  1. Happy happ happy birthday! Welcome to the 40s. Turning 40 was my favorite year. You have a lot to look forward too. Big congrats on the gig with scrap jazz. That's terrific. Well done and well timed.

  2. CONGRATS and Happy Birthday!!! :)

  3. Congratulations on getting published! I can't wait to hear how your 40 new things go this year!

  4. Happy birthday and congrats on both milestones!! Pat (scribe)

  5. HAPPY BIRTHDAY and YAYYYYYYYYYYYY for your first article!! That is AWESOME!!

  6. Whoa! Congrats on your first paid article! What a great way to ring in your 40th birthday....Happy happy birthday Cindy! Hope you cross out everything on your list!

  7. Perfect timing on your published article! I can't wait to read it, I know it will be interesting and well written :0)
    I am looking forward to your year of "firsts" what a fun way to spend your 40th.


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