

My Punch Organizers

Over the years, I have amassed quite a few punches.  Not so many that I forget what I have, but it's getting close.  I decided it was time to create an organizer.

I started by dividing all my punches into two piles: border punches in one pile and everything else in the other.  I got out a scrap of black cardstock and punched a sample from every border punch.  I used white cardstock to create a card for each punch, then attached each sample to one and wrote the name above it.  I used my Crop-a-dile to punch a hole in the corner of each card.  

I wanted to be able to quickly find each punch, so color-coding was the next step.  I got out my cardstock scraps and punched circles to match each border punch.  Here's what the back the cards look like:

I added a ring, then tied an orange ribbon to the ring, indicating that every punch on the ring is Fiskars brand.  If I happened to own any other brand of border punches (which I don't), I would have made a separate ring for each brand and added an appropriate ribbon.

I did the same thing for my miscellaneous punches.  I have two rings of those, one for my Fiskars punches (in the picture below), another for the rest (mostly Marvy Uchida).  

I love my new organizers!  It's great to have a visual reminder of what I own, plus I love having the names of the punches all in one place.  


  1. You come up with the most AWESOME ideas!! I loveeeeeeeee this!!

  2. What a great idea. I often forget about my boarder punches. This works for me! Thanks for the visit and yes I am blessed to live in a truly beautiful part of the world, those photos are but a tip of the iceberg!

  3. This is such a cool idea Cindy! Especially the color coded circles. Thanks for sharing your tips.

  4. You are amazing Cindy! Wanna come over to help me organize?

  5. Cindy!!!!! Your idea is amazing! I think you must be the most organized scrapper I know!!!! TFS!

  6. Great idea! I might need to give that a try!


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