

Scrapping with Pink

I don't scrap with pink very often.  Almost never, in fact.  I do make some pink cards or gift bags once in a while, but even that is rare.

Last May I became a godmother to two girls.  It took me a long time to scrap the pictures because I wasn't sure what direction I wanted to go with the layout.  With hundreds of photos of the day, there were so many choices to make.  Should I focus on their baptism, or on my becoming a godmother? Should I scrap their mom's baptism too, or just that of my godchildren?  Should I journal about Trevor so desperately wanting to be a part of the baptismal ceremony, or should I keep the focus on me and the girls?  Candid photos or posed?  A separate layout about each girl, or one that includes them both?

I decided to make a one page layout about how honored I was to become a godmother.  I'd mix candids with posed photos.  I'd include one picture of Trevor, but wouldn't mention him in the journaling.

Once I made the decision of what direction my layout would go, I struggled to decide what colors to use.  The girls were both in white dresses; I wore turquoise.  After going through just about every piece of patterned paper I own, I settled on a beautiful pink polka dot by Melissa Frances.  It is young and feminine and joyful, perfect for my layout about the two little girls who became my godchildren on May 22, 2011.

I used gold accents, and kept them small and delicate.  What fun to work with a completely different color palette once in awhile!


  1. I think this came out just beautifully! :)

  2. This is BEAUTIFUL! I love love love love the photos and the title work!

  3. Clean and simple. Love how you used so many photos and yet kept it to your usual clean style.

  4. I think this page is feminine and lovely! Wonderful job Cindy and congrats on becoming a godmother.


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