

Our 2011 Garden

This has been a weird weather year so far.  In the past few weeks, we've had hail and thunderstorms more than once, both of which are unusual around here.  Our summer garden still isn't in yet, a full month later than usual.  And with a fourth mouth to feed (the three of us, plus our very hungry bunny), it's more important than ever that we grow our own delicious, organic veggies. 

Here is a layout about our 2011 garden.  Each year I like to record what we plant.  I split the journaling into two sections.  The top right lists the foods we planted for the first time (eggplant, artichoke, blueberries, swiss chard, cucumbers and watermelon), while the bottom left lists our old favorites we'd planted before (strawberries, peaches, tomatoes, carrots, potatoes, basil, chives, parsley, beets, beans and peas).

The layout is based on a sketch by Shannon White.

I kept the major elements of the sketch the same, but replaced the two horizontal 4x6 photos with 5 vertical pics.  I love the way yellows and greens of the Crate Paper make the pictures of the veggies pop.

Have you planted your garden yet?  What's in your garden this year?


  1. Gorgeous layout! I am in awe of people having a garden. I would love to, but just planting some colorful flowers each spring seems like such a chore come mid-summer. I have tried planting some herbs before, but always failed! :)

  2. Such a great idea to document this! I loveeeeee the colors and the photos!

  3. Beautiful layout and wow what pretty pics. I like that sketch...will have to use it. I don't garden due to mostly shade in this Pac NW yard of mine...summer is too short also. Maybe I'm just lazy about flowers though; shade loving ones. Take care.


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