

From Trash to Treasure

Today I'm sharing more stamping projects from the Fiskateer Spring Stamp Out.  As you probably know, Fiskars is famous for their orange-handled scissors, so we Fiskateers are frequently challenged to pair orange with another color.  In this case, we were asked to pair orange with a color that (allegedly) doesn't go with orange.  I chose purple.  

You don't see a lot of orange and purple together, which is a real shame.  Orange and purple were two of my three wedding colors and they looked great (if I do say so myself).  Anyway, here is the orange and purple gift bag I stamped.  Any guesses as to what I used to do the stamping?

If you guessed empty tape roll, old sponge dauber and drinking straw, you would be correct!  You know what they say: one man's trash is another man's treasure.  Why spend money on circle stamps when these are free and just as cute?

I used two of these (tape roll and straw) for the Girl Scout cookie box makeover that I showed a few weeks ago.  For the full tutorial, go here: Found Object Stamping.

For the "Dumpster Dive" challenge, we had to turn something we would usually throw out into something beautiful.  I remembered that Pamela #8040 had made a card using the patterns on the inside of security envelopes.  I decided to do the same.  The patterns I found were very interesting.  I thought they'd make a great sympathy card.

From trash (well, recycling actually) to treasure!  


  1. We see those colors here all the time... it's the Phoenix Suns colors! lol!! I loveeeeeeeeeeee these bags!!! Just pure genius!!!!!!

  2. I like all these projects, especially the use of the envelopes!

  3. those stamped bags! What a fabulous idea! :)

  4. I actually think purple and orange go really well together. Your projects turned out wonderfully. I'm all about repurposing stuff.


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