

Stamped Gift Bag and Card

Check out this gift bag and card.

I didn't make them.  Trevor did.  Aren't they nice?  The only thing I did was to help him use the paper trimmer to cut the papers for the cards.  He even put the tissue paper puffs in by himself.  These are based on the gift bag and card on my Found Object Stamping and Trash to Treasure projects.  

He used the same four items for stamping that I used: an empty pill container (yellow), an empty tape roll (red), an old sponge dauber (green), and a drinking straw (blue).  

There's something soothing about the dip-stamp-dip-stamp rhythm.

After the front dried, he stamped the back.  He didn't know how to stamp the sides, so I taught him this little trick.  Works like a charm!

 These are two of Trevor's 8 fair entries.  Just over a week until the fair opens and we can see how he did!


  1. Wow!! He is AMAZING!!! I loveeeeeeeee his card and the gift bag!!!!

  2. Awesome job Trevor! These are amazing!

  3. These turned out great. Can't wait to hear the fair results!


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