

Summer Photography Camp Wrap-Up

Trevor's 3-week Summer Photography Camp for Kids ended on Friday.  It was fantastic, beyond my greatest expectations.  The lessons were extremely well-done and informative, perfectly suited to the age group.  The assignments were interesting and fun.  It was awesome.  Not only did Trevor learn a lot, but I did too.  I hadn't intended on doing a second blog post about Photo Camp, but I couldn't resist sharing more of the pictures Trevor took and giving one final plug for this amazing class.  

This was from a lesson about macro photography.  One of Trevor's camp-mates commented that his picture would make a great screen saver.  I agree.  

Here's another photo Trevor shot in macro, this time at the Farmers Market.  These are donut peaches.  Yum!  

Trevor took this next picture by our favorite library.  His Photo Camp lesson from the previous day was about framing.  As we were walking along this path, he asked for the camera, telling me that it would be a good picture because the plants were forming a natural frame for the lake.  It's pretty awesome hearing stuff like that from a 6-year old. 

A lot of time at Photo Camp was spent on portrait photography.  This meant I got to pose for many, many pictures over the course of the three weeks.  Trevor took this portrait after a lesson on locating open shade.  Notice that the picture is vertical and my face is at a power point, two things Trevor never would have done before.

This random tumbleweed blew into our driveway the day that Trevor learned about shadows.  He had fun photographing it.

Here's a second picture from the shadow assignment.

I love this picture Trevor took of our artichoke plant.  

Camp ended with studio photography.  The kids learned how to make their own 'studio' using foamcore board.  Trevor also took pictures in my photo tent.  Here are some of his favorite board games.  He set those against a black background.
And here are his DS games.  He switched to a white background for those.  

The July session of Summer Photography Camp for Kids starts in one week. You can still sign up. Quite a few of my friends enrolled their kids. I can't wait to hear how they like it. I hope they all get as much out of it and see as much improvement as we did.


  1. He is gonna be the next great photographer of our time!! I just know it!! He is AMAZING!!!!!!

  2. Great job, Trevor! I'm so impressed with all of them. I really like the tumbleweed one. He's got a really great eye for photos.

  3. How fun! Great Job Trevor! I love the framing Photo, but they are all great!

  4. Very very cool! I just started taking some lessons from a photographer friend of mine locally but am going to check this woman's site out for composition ideas! My girl is teaching me more about my camera - I am new to the DSLR world. I love how you do all this fun stuff with Trevor. Jared is just hitting 5 - we do "things" but now that he is starting to be able to read and write the whole world is going to blow wide open and I feel like if there is ever a dull moment I can just pop by your blog for a quick idea! Thanks!

  5. Well I can see why you are so proud of your boy Cindy! These are amazing! He takes to new things like fish to water! :)

  6. Wow, these are amazing. Really hard to believe they were taken by a 6 year old. That Trevor is something else. How wonderful that he was able to take this class. I love the way you encourage him.

  7. I think that class was an amazing idea for Trevor. He really did an amazing job. My favorite is the one of the artichoke plant. Really great perspective!

  8. Yay Trevor!! You are a GREAT photographer. I'm so impressed!! I love the self portait of the shadow -- so awesome! :)


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