

Artwork from the Closet Depths

As I mentioned yesterday, I recently visited my parents and spent most of my time cleaning out the closet in my childhood bedroom.  I can't believe the stuff I found.  Among the more interesting items, some watercolor paintings.

First up, a matted painting of a hippo.  I'm not sure when I painted this, but all the wrinkles in the paper mean it was obviously before I knew about watercolor paper.  Which means it was probably late elementary or middle school.  I'm not sure why it's matted.  I must have displayed it somewhere.

When I was about 16 or so, I took an 8-week watercolor class through 4-H, my first (and only) painting instruction.  I learned the basics, bought proper materials, and did a few paintings which are now hanging on my parents' walls.  (Note to self to photograph those one of these days....)

Apparently, I stored unfinished paintings in my closet.  I found this half-done picture, which looks really weird without any of the foreground.   

Taped to the back was this image, torn from a cruise brochure.  It's nice to know what I was aiming for when I started this!

I also found the start of an interesting United States piece.  There are 2 pages, each with 25 boxes.  The names of the states are at the top.  Some of the states have a painted image below that.  Others have a sketch.  Others are blank.

Here's a close-up of Maine.

And California.

I'm guessing I made this in late high school.  I have no idea why I did this.  I wish I'd finished it, as it's kind of cool.  When I asked my mom what I should do with these, she said to finish them.  I might, but probably not.  After a 22+ year break, it's hard to get back into a half-done project.  

Next I think I'll show you some stuff from when I was really into miniatures.  Stay tuned!


  1. Seriously awesome you found all of these treasures!! LOVE it!!!

  2. I think it is so cool that you found your d art!!!! Thanks for sharing it with us, Cindy!

  3. How cool to have found these treasures! You were artsy even back then!

  4. I really like the hippo! I think he's really cute. What are your parents doing with your old room? I'm assuming that's why they're making you clean it out? LOL

    1. My mom dug a stuffed animal out of my closet to give to Trevor when we were there during a previous visit. I saw that there were some 'treasures' in there, so I planned to start a minor excavation during this recent visit. There's no rush to clean it out and they don't have any plans for the room- it's still mine for whenever we visit. :)

  5. But did you find the street scene I gave you? Because if so, I want a copy of it!

    1. Lots more treasures to unearth the next time I'm there! This was only the tip of the iceberg.


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