

Fun with Shrinky Dinks

When our neighbors came over for dinner and a crafty playdate, I set out Shrinky Dinks and let everyone create.  

The kids (and mommies) had lots of fun making our designs.  We used stamped with StazOn and colored with Sharpies.  Then we punched the holes.  As per the instructions on the package, we put the finished designs on a brown paper bag and slid the tray into the oven.

As we watched through the oven door, we saw R's pennant shrink to a perfect circle.  So cute!

C made matching BFF pendants.  Adorable!  

But this is how Trevor's and mine turned out.  

What the heck?!  Twisted, lumpy and distorted.  Usually you can press out folds with a spatula while they're still warm.  Not this time.  Apparently our oven has some major problems with even heating.  I haven't had any trouble the last dozen times I've used shrink plastic, like for my Fiskateer necklaces or when I tested what happens when you put rub-ons on the not-yet-shrunk plastic.  I suppose if anyone's projects got messed up due to our oven, it's best that it was ours and not our guests'.  Next time we do Shrinky Dinks I'm going to do a test shrink first!


  1. Bummer about the ones that got messed up! But the rest look AMAZING!!!! How FUN!!!

  2. sorry to hear about your curvy shrinky dinks! do you have a heat gun (like for heat embossing cards/LOs)? It's great for using on shrinky dinks. I just put them on a cookie sheet on paper as if they were going in the oven. It helps if you use a fork or something so they don't blow away. Someone on Fiskateers suggested using an acrylic stamp block to flatten them while they are still hot. Good luck next time!

    1. Believe it or not, I don't own a heat gun. I used a spatula to flatten them, which is what I always use, but it didn't work this time.

  3. Ooooh how fun...
    Sorry yours and Trevor's didn't turn out you have a heat gun? You can probably still salvage them...

  4. Awesome project! My daughter and I used to LOVE shrinky dinks!!! Sorry that yours got all wavy, but your are right, at least it wasn't your guest's! And I think Yvonne has a brilliant idea with the heat gun!


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