

Fiskateer St. Patrick's Day Crop (Part 2)

Here are the rest of my projects from the Fiskateer's St. Patrick's Day Crop.

Challenge 4: Kiss Me, I'm Irish
Your challenge is to create a project focused on love and kisses using green as your primary color instead of the traditional pink and red.
This was challenging for me.  I decided to go super simple with a dotted paper, scalloped cardstock edge, and a punched heart.  I think it's more masculine than the typical red/pink love-themed card, which is good since it is for my husband.

Challenge 5: He's After Me Lucky Charms

That little lepruchan on the Lucky Charms cereal commercial makes me giggle, "He's after me Lucky Charms!" Your challenge is to create a project using charms.  For you papercrafters, that might mean digging into your bowl of metal to unearth some long-forgotten embellishments, and you fabric enthusiasts might find yourself reaching for a soft charm pack.  

I dug through all my stuff, hoping to unearth a charm.  There was exactly ONE charm in the whole scraproom - a Christmas tree.  It fit the green theme, but didn't exactly say St. Patrick's Day!  Fortunately, there was no theme requirement.

The charm was with a bunch of other Christmas stuff, including a half-used sticker set.  I noticed that the packaging was really cute- green with lots of holiday words watermarked on it.  It's hard to see in the picture; it's much more visible in real life.  I used the packaging to make a tag... trash to treasure!

Here's how the finished tag turned out.  I need to tuck it with the Christmas stuff or I'll forget all about it 9 months from now!

Challenge 6: As Luck Would Have It
This one is inspired by that little four-leaf clover that is said to bring you luck. Your challenge today is to create a project based on good fortune, good luck, &/or lucky 4-leaf clovers.
I pulled out some green scraps and a shamrock sticker and started playing around until I came up with this.  The inside says, ".... to have you as a friend."

I really enjoy these online crops because they inspire me to be creative and make projects I NEVER would have done otherwise.  And now I have 5 cards and a tag all ready to go.  Love that!


  1. These are FABULOUS!! LOVING the tree charm!!!

  2. These cards are all adorable! I love the monochromatic look. The tag is super awesome too.

  3. Such fun projects...using stuff you already have! Only 1 charm? I have gazillions! lol


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