

Two Years

Today is a special day for me, as it marks two years that I've been blogging here at My Creative Life. It's amazing to think back on how much the blog has changed (and how much it's changed me) over the past two years.

I originally started this blog for two reasons. The first was that an increasing number of Design Team gigs were requiring active blogs and I didn't want to miss out on an opportunity because I didn't have a blog. The second reason was that I had been doing a lot of blogging for others and I wanted more control over my writing. I was worried that if any of these sites shut down, the articles I had worked so hard to write would disappear forever. If you look through the archive of my blog, you'll see entries dating back to September 2010. Before this blog went live, I added copies of the articles I'd written for others here, then backdated them to when they were published elsewhere.    

On April 4, 2011, I published the very first post written solely for my blog. It was titled Craft Withdrawal and fewer than 10 people read it.

My readership has grown significantly since then! My most popular post has been Snowman Gift Tags, which has been viewed literally thousands of times.

My Giraffe Cake is a close second.

Neither of those posts account for the top search terms that lead people to my blog. Number One is now "Bunny Rolls."

I also get a lot of traffic searching for panda projects, a ribbon barrette tutorial, classroom birthday treats, id reactions, and Pinewood Derby designs.

People ask me all the time about my favorite posts. That's a tough question, since I put my heart and soul into all of them. But a few do stand out.

When I started my blog two years ago, I expected a small readership made up of family, friends, and random scrapbookers. I didn't expect so many people from around the world to follow the ins and outs of my creative adventures. To all my readers- thank you. I am incredibly grateful for your support and the enthusiasm you've shown for my blog. For the handful of you who have read all 554 posts, a special thank you!  I'm really excited about what the future holds for me and My Creative Life.


  1. Proud! Happy 2-year blogiversary!

  2. Congratulations! I look forward to seeing what you are up to creatively and usually check in on my lunch break. Your blog has become a great craft resource and I often check the archives for ideas. Thank you for sharing your ideas and Inspiration with us.

  3. Happy blogaversary! Wishes for many more posts of fun and inspiration!

  4. Congrats, Cindy!! :) It has been wonderful getting to know you and your family through the years. And it couldn't be said any better or perfectly, than what you said - it is absolutely AMAZING to have friends from all over the world, sharing your art and life. It's a very cool feeling! :) Thank you for all the fun, tasty, awesome posts! :)

  5. It is a special treat for me every time I stop by. You are so talented and I especially love - and am inspired by - all the crafts you do with Trevor. Congrats on your blogaverary. Can't wait to see what lies ahead.

  6. Happy Blogiversary, Cindy! 2 Years?! WOW! That is absolutely great! Like Izzy, I love visiting your blog and always feel inspired after visiting here! Congrats: and may you be blogging for many, many more years!


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