

Freezer Biscuits

I'm always on the lookout for recipes with a make-ahead component.  I love to cook and bake from scratch and do so fairly often with Trevor.  But on those increasingly frequent days when he has soccer, book club, swim lessons or whatever else going on after school, there isn't enough time to do much cooking before dinner has to be on the table.

Which is why I was so excited to try making freezer biscuits.  You use a standard cream biscuit recipe, except after cutting the biscuits and putting them on pans, you pop them into the freezer instead of the oven.  After they're frozen solid, you transfer them to a ziplock bag and store them in the freezer.  

When you want some biscuits, say to accompany some Slow Cooker Minestrone, you simply toss your frozen biscuits onto a parchment-lined baking sheet and bake at 450° for 20 minutes.  They emerge from the oven just as fluffy and delicious as if you'd made them that day.

What a great timesaver! 


  1. The freezer biscuits I make are the kind that come frozen from the grocery store, LOL. I'm sure yours are wonderful. :)

  2. mmmm look awesome! i am with izzy though- mine come frozen from market day! LOL!!!

  3. I love that you make your own freezer biscuits! What a great idea!

  4. What a great idea! Look tasty too! :)


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