

"Mommy! Watch this!"

This is the last of the 14 layouts I made for National Scrapbook Day challenges.  (I made 11 of them on NSD and the remaining 3 the next morning before Grandma delivered Trevor to me.) Not knowing what the challenges were ahead of time, I didn't preplan any pages... with one exception.  When I printed these pictures, I thought the jumping picture desperately needed a speech bubble with Trevor yelling, "Mommy!  Watch this!"  So I found a die cut and had him write those words in his handwriting before he left for the weekend.

When the challenges were announced, one of the first I tackled was's "You Spin Me Right Round Baby" challenge, which required us to make a pinwheel and add it to a page.  I made a pinwheel, intending to pair it with the picture of Allison, but it wasn't working for me.  I thought the colors of the pinwheel worked with the colors of the corn bath, so I built this layout around it.

I would never have put a pinwheel on this page if not for the challenge, but I love how it turned out. The challenges really pushed me outside my comfort zone and stretched my creativity.  More than anything, that is what I love about National Scrapbook Day.  My calendar is already marked for May 3, 2014 and I'm counting down the days. 


  1. love the torn paper here! great job

  2. Love love love love this!!!! Loving that thought bubble and the pinwheel!!!

  3. Cute! I always love the way pinwheels look on pages others create but I haven't attempted it yet! Mostly, I think, because I don't know how to make a pin wheel!!!
    Love that you had Trevor write in the thought bubble for you!

    1. Pinwheels are REALLY easy. Here's the tutorial at that went along with the challenge:

  4. The pinwheel evokes a farm windmill to me. Fits in nicely.

  5. This is my favorite of all the ones you did on NSB!! LOVE it -- particularly that you included Trevor's writing in it. Brilliant idea!! :) I think you need a NSD sooner than next May!! LOL

  6. This is so cool! The speech bubble is awesome. I can't believe you got that many layouts done in one day. Wow!

  7. wow; you really cranked out the layouts... love this layout and pinwheels are fun for sure.

  8. Super fun! I love the speech bubble with his own handwriting!

    P/s: There are so many online challenges that you would do great in. Why wait a whole year to play along??

    1. I do lots of other challenges during the year, particularly Fiskateers challenges, but there's something about NSD that really motivates me. It feels different. I think part of it is that I can justify spending literally every waking moment scrapbooking that day, whereas on other days there are always other things with a higher priority. The freedom and celebratory feel makes me more productive.


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