

More 'Then and Now' Layouts

As you all know by now, my absolute favorite scrapbook pages are Then-and-Now layouts, or any that show growth or changes over time.  Today I'm sharing two that I made on National Scrapbook Day.

Back in November, Trevor and I did a major cleaning and donated a bunch of toys and clothes he'd outgrown.  One of the items in the giveaway pile was a Bob the Builder hat and tool belt that he'd LOVED when he was a toddler.  I found some pictures to show him... and the next thing I knew, I'd talked him into recreating one of those pictures.  I love this layout.  It's amazing to see and remember how much he has changed in 5 years.  I used my own Sketch #4 for this page.

This next layout isn't quite the same as my other Then-and-Now pages because the two photos aren't of the same people.  The first picture is my nephew Timothy holding my son Trevor on the day he was born in 2006.  I didn't take that picture; I'd had a c-section two hours earlier and was so focused on the itchy tubes up my nose that I barely registered that we had visitors.  I did take the second picture; that's Trevor meeting his new cousin Allison (Timothy's sister) the day she was born back in February. 

This was for a sketch challenge.  I love how it turned out.  I don't think I could have come up with a design like this for these pictures without the sketch inspiration.  


  1. Your then & now layouts are awesome!

  2. These are awesome!! LOVING those photos of him with his Bob the Builder gear! Adam used to love that show!!

  3. Love these layouts Cindy!! I sound like a broken record, but Trevor is the cutest!! :)

  4. I always love your then and now pages Cindy. These are awesome!!!

  5. Love these ... I really need to do some Then & Now layouts, too!

  6. Sweet! Love him in the Bob the builder gear. Sooooooo cute! Nephew #2 loved that show for a while...and we watched a lot of it.


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