

Two Hours of Fun

Remember our Bear Valley "vacation" back in March that involved a burst water pipe and root beer sno-cone syrup spilled in our luggage?  (If not, go here.)  What should have been a 5-day snow trip with friends turned into a 33-hour ordeal for just the three of us.  We were all pretty miserable for 31 of those 33 hours.  But for 2 hours, while we waited for a plumber, we had fun in the snow.  We dug out our snow toys, washed the sno-cone syrup off them, and walked the short distance to our favorite sledding hill.  We had a snowball fight and had countless runs down the hill.  It was wonderful.

I debated whether or not to scrap this trip.  I tend not to scrap unpleasant things, as I don't usually need help remembering them.  Besides, I'd already blogged about this particular fiasco. In the end, I decided to scrap the pictures from our two hours of fun.  

I had a lot of fun with this layout.  The background is a mottled blue from BasicGrey's Lauderdale collection, which is a summer-themed line.  I used white Mister Huey's and the Tattered Angels stencil from June's Flamingo Four to create a wintery background on the summery paper.  Then I matted three pictures (one of each of us - that's Steve throwing snow in the top right and me sledding in the bottom right), added my journaling, and included a title. The journaling talks about the negative parts of our trip, but overall the layout makes me smile and captures the two good hours we spent.


  1. I think it's awesome that you scrapped this time! Still gotta remember the good two hours you had!! LOVING the photos and the colors!! Beautiful!!

  2. I am glad that you scrapped your 2 hours of fun! I love your page - it's beautiful, Cindy!

  3. Love it. Two hours of fun so deserves a layout!

  4. I'm glad you scrapped this, too! I believe you should have all of life's little moments, including the bad ones, in your scrapbook ... otherwise, it's just not LIFE. :) LOVE the misted background, it looks great!!! :)

  5. So beautiful!! Gorgeous photos, love the misting of the snowflakes. I love that you told a true to life, less than perfect story as well!! :)


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