

Cheesy Red Potato Casserole

Each day at bedtime, we ask Trevor to describe his favorite part of the day. Usually, it's a playdate, Cub Scout activity, special outing, or fun project at home. Last night, his favorite part of the day was the red potato casserole I served for dinner. With an endorsement that glowing, I thought I'd better share the recipe.   

Cheesy Red Potato Casserole

                                                  2 lbs. red potatoes                                   3 c. shredded cheese 
                                                  3 slices bacon                                           2 T. minced chives
                                                  1/2 c. sour cream                                     1 avocado, cubed

Wash potatoes and poke with a fork. Microwave until done (7+ minutes, depending on size). Set potatoes aside to cool enough to handle. Put bacon slices into 13 x 9 inch Pyrex pan and microwave until bacon is fully cooked (2+ minutes, 30 seconds at a time). Remove bacon from pan and set aside to cool. Remove all but 1/2 tsp. of the bacon grease from the pan and discard. Cut potatoes into 1-inch cubes and place in pan. Cut bacon into small bits and sprinkle over the potatoes. Dot sour cream over potatoes, then sprinkle with shredded cheese. (I used a blend of mozarella, cheddar, and jack because that's what I had on hand.) Stir gently. Bake uncovered at 350° for 15 minutes. Remove from oven and sprinkle with chives and avocado cubes. Return to oven for 5 more minutes. 


  1. OOhhhh this sounds yummy! Hubby probably would pick out the avocado, but it sounds wonderful. I'm printing this for my recipe file! :) Thanks!

  2. What a great mix:I love potatoes, and bacon, and avocado! How cute that Trevor said it was the best part of his day!

  3. mmmmm.... this sounds delicious!!! I can't see the photo... it's not showing up :/

    1. Weird. I'm not sure why. Anyone else having trouble seeing it?

    2. Now I can see it.... did you make any changes? So WEIRD. :/

    3. gone again today... just checked out of curiosity. the magic photo lol :)

  4. Ooooh...looks and sounds yummy!

  5. Yup, I'm with Trevor. That sounds totally yummy!


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