

Lots of Halloween Crafting

Our house has been full of Halloween decorations for about three weeks now.  I love having the house decorated for Halloween.  At least 95% of our decorations are homemade, which makes it especially fun.  Trevor LOVES getting out the Halloween boxes each year, pulling out the items, and seeing the artwork he made in previous years.  There's always some fun commentary.  "I actually thought pumpkins looked like this when I was two?!"  or "Why did I put these bats upside down when I was three?!" or "Look at the cool witch legs I made last year!  I can't even tell which are mine and which are yours!"  It's fantastic.  

Here are some of my favorite Halloween crafts from the past few years, currently decorating our walls and countertops:


I try to make sure Trevor writes his name and the date on the back of all his projects.  It's so fun to see how his skills have improved over the years.  

One more photo to share:

Remember the Bendable Monkeys we made for Trevor's 5th birthday?  When we were making our Name Skeletons, Trevor cut out an extra skull, taped it to a toothpick, and curled the monkey's hand around it.  So creative!  It's now hanging from our chandelier.  Fun, huh?!


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