

Our Paper Advent Wreath

Advent is a big deal in our house. On the first day of Advent, which was this past Sunday, we make a paper chain (alternating red and green, with Sundays in yellow).  revor removes one link each day until Christmas arrives. He also starts his Advent calendar (Lego Star Wars this year). Advent is when our Christmas preparations truly begin.

Making his 2013 Advent chain.

Trevor LOVES his Advent chain and Advent calendar, but even more than that he loves the Advent wreath at church. Each year since he was four, he's been selected to light the candle(s) on the Advent wreath on one of the four Sundays. His turn is next Sunday, the second Sunday of Advent. He is so excited he can hardly stand it.  

I asked him if he'd like to make a paper Advent wreath for his bedroom. Each Sunday, he could "light" another candle by adding a paper flame. He thought this was an excellent idea, so we gathered up some paper scraps and got to work.   

First, we cut a brown piece to look like the wooden base that holds the wreath. In the center, we added a large white rectangle to represent the Christmas candle. We added three blue candles (the liturgical color for Advent) and one pink (representing the 3rd Sunday of Advent). We staggered the candles to give the appearance that they are arranged in a circle around the white candle.

We filled in the gaps with holly leaves and berries cut from green and red cardstock.

Trevor hung the wreath in his bedroom (above the poster where he records his lost teeth). He added a yellow flame to represent the first Sunday of Advent.  

Here's how it looks with one candle "lit." We'll add a flame each Sunday until Christmas, when we'll "light" the white candle.  

 Happy Advent!


  1. Loveeeeeeee his advent wreath!! Looks amazing!! And yay for him for lighting the candle this Sunday!

  2. Oh, this is so wonderful and creative! :)

  3. How cool is this?! What a great project for Trevor!! Happy Advent :)

  4. That is a great idea and cute pic of Mr. T putting a flame on. I'll have to share this one with my daughter... thanks.

  5. You have the BEST ideas. Love this. So creative.

  6. I just did this with my Sunday school class in UK and they loved it. Thank you for the inspiration!


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