

One Little Word - 2014

This is my fourth year participating in Ali Edwards' One Little Word.  In 2011, I chose the word Balance.  In 2012, I chose the word Celebrate.  Last year was Try.  Each One Little Word experience has been very positive for me.

I've been thinking about my 2014 word for months.  Every time a word jumped out at me, I wrote it on a scrap of paper.  When I gathered up my scraps last week and looked through them, it was clear that there were two words that were fighting for my attention in 2014.  After careful consideration, I chose Enjoy.

I have always been someone who has saved for a rainy day, both literally and figuratively.  While I won't be changing that, I will make an effort to do things I enjoy now instead of waiting for 'some day.' I will actively make time for the things that I like to do.  I will go out of my way to schedule time with the people I care about.  I will look at the activities that fill my days and look for opportunities to eliminate the things I don't like doing and replace them with things I truly enjoy.  I will use my favorite art supplies without any consideration for whether the project is special enough.

I decided to go with a muted yellow for my Enjoy tag.  Here it is with the other tags.  I like how they look together.

Have you chosen One Little Word for 2014?  I'd love to hear what it is! 


  1. Great word, Cindy! :0)
    Happy New Year!

  2. I always look forward to the word that you choose. This is another great choice! I do hope that you "enjoy" so much more this year!

  3. Loving your tags, such a great little reminder. I like your word, often times we forget that life is meant to be enjoyed.

  4. I haven't ever done OLW but I think it's a great concept. Your tags are so cute and I look forward to seeing how you use your word this year.

  5. I already commented on my email to ya, but I'll say it again -- great word choice!!! Love your tag too :)


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