


Yesterday's mention of plastic dinosaurs made me realize that I've never shared this layout here on the blog.

I made it in 2008.  The design isn't anything special, but the picture means a lot to me, and the journaling is something I'll treasure forever:

My 2 year old, Trevor, is really into diciers. Most people know them as dinosaurs, but in our household they've been diciers for about a year. We have a LOT of diciers. Trevor likes to arrange them around the perimeter of his train tracks, facing inward so that they can watch Thomas, Percy and the gang go around in circles. He also enjoys feeding his diciers, carefully placing the plastic spaghetti, artichoke, and ice cream cone on a plate with all the diciers crowded around.

Ever the faithful scrapper, I have photographed Trevor and the diciers often. I've hidden behind the couch to get candid pictures, stood on a chair to get a birds-eye view, and even lain down on the floor to get a dicier-eye view of their plastic meal. Someday those pictures are going to remind me of these wonderful days at home with Trevor. Even now, the pictures make me smile.

This morning I asked Trevor if he wanted me to get out his diciers. He looked at me like I was a moron. 'No Mommy. Diiii-no-saurrrrrs.' Overnight he figured out how to say the word correctly. As happy as I am that he is learning and growing, I'm going to miss the diciers.
I know that years from now it will be hard to remember what Trevor is like as a toddler, what cute things he says, his favorite toys and games, and how he tucks his hand into my sleeve when he needs comforting. Just two years later, I can't remember all the tiny details about Baby Trevor, things I thought I would never forget. This is why I scrapbook.

So farewell, diciers! I'll remember you fondly as I look through the scrapbooks. Now excuse me, as I must prepare a plastic sandwich for the monarch buffalie.

It's been nearly six years since I wrote these words and we still use the word dicier instead of dinosaur.  (Well, Steve and I do.  Trevor just giggles or rolls his eyes at his silly parents.)  For some reason, buffalie (butterfly) didn't catch on...

I am so glad to have this layout.  It makes the memories come flooding back.  Scrapbooking is awesome.


  1. What an amazing memory to capture!! LOVING that journaling!!!!!

  2. sweet and a bit heart breaking. W/ my son having just graduated HS and turned 19 I am having a hard time w/ the whole "growing up" aspect of having children! We still use the words "Mangry" (a combo of Mad and Angry) and "Comfty" in our house because my daughter use to say those words when she was a little one... LOL

    1. Love mangry! And comfty! So cute. You comment made me think of another of our words: we say "squeezy" when something is too tight. ("I need a new shirt. This one is squeezy.")

  3. Ohhhh, THIS is exactly what scrapbooking is all about!!! I love this!!! There are phrases or words that I hear in my nephew's voices ... "wallamelon" for example, and probably everyone has those little memories, but you have captured the essence of the memory, the heart of the story, and used the perfect words to relay a reluctant hopefulness in watching Trevor grow up. So, so good, Cindy!!!

  4. This is so cute Cindy!! I absolutely love it!! :)

  5. cute! I love that scrapbooking brings back fond memories!


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