

Ellia at 5

There aren't too many people who I have known for their WHOLE life. I can think of exactly five: Trevor (of course); my younger sister, Kari, who I met in the hospital when she was a few hours old; Kari's kids, Timothy and Allison, each of whom I also met in the hospital when they were a few hours old; and my goddaughter Ellia, whose birth I witnessed five years ago.

Each year, I make a framed layout for Ellia's birthday, just like I do for her older sister, Kylinn. Ellia requested purple, so I dug out three purple papers, a purple pen, purple ink, and purple Stickles and got to work. The first step was changing yellow letter stickers to purple.

The layout came together quickly and easily. Here it is:

Here are the layouts I've made for her the past four years:

Happy 5th birthday, Ellia!


  1. Love love love love the latest one!! Great colors and adorable photo!!!!!

  2. oh what beautiful layouts!!! and those photos are awesome what a cutie

  3. Cute layouts! I love that now the girls are old enough to tell you what colors they want, LOL!

  4. Lovely! You did so well with purple! :)

  5. I was just talking about this same thing with my SIL the other day (her kids are the only ones I've known their whole lives)! How funny! I love that you do these layouts each year, and now that they are old enough to appreciate them, they are obviously looking forward to them! That has to make you feel wonderful! :)

    I haven't had much success changing the color of letter stickers. I know it's got to be the products I'm using not working together. I know people do it all the time, and it's not noticeable. I would love for you to do a tutorial sometime on how you get such great results! :)

    1. I could do a tutorial, but there's really not that much to it. To change from yellow to purple, I put the letters I wanted onto an old sticker sheet, rubbed the cats-eye ColorBox ink on them, then painted Stickles on top. About an hour of drying time, then I peeled them off their sticker sheet and put them on the layout.

      When I'm changing a dark sticker to light, that's a bit trickier. I have painted them white and/or used gesso first, then let that dry. Sometimes there are bits that need to be picked off the edges. Then paint, ink, Stickles, etc. as usual.


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