

Fair Wrap-Up

This year, Trevor participated in two county fairs. I entered in one and judged at another. Steve was traveling a lot and didn't enter at all. You can read all about Trevor's live tablesetting contest and other entries at the first fair here. Today I'm sharing how Trevor and I did at the second fair.

First up, Trevor. He entered 13 craft projects, a manatee report he did for school, his Perler Bead collection, and gingerbread (his first-ever time entering a baked good). 

Trevor earned a total of 14 blue ribbons, one red, and one white. An excellent showing!

Because I judge arts & crafts and am technically a professional scrapbooker, I am not eligible to enter most categories at any county fair. I entered three baked goods and my collection of 4-H pins from across the US. I'd been pretty irritated when I went to set up my collection and the display case was not even close to the advertised size, but it turned out that my solution was a good one: I won first place! I was really excited about that.

As usual, the day we had to prepare our baked goods was a scorcher. With the oven running all day long, the AC couldn't keep up and the kitchen was really warm. I expected good results from my first two baked goods, but the S'more Cookie Bars I made later in the day didn't come out the way I wanted. The butter just wouldn't stay cool enough during mixing. I entered them anyway and I'm glad I did, because they ended up placing third. A very pleasant surprise!

I also entered the Cranberry-Walnut Bread I developed last November. I was really happy with how it came out, and so were the judges. First place!

My final entry was Pineapple-Zucchini Bread. It turned out amazing. The judges liked it too... another first place! I'll share the recipe here eventually.

That wraps up our 2014 fair season! I'm really happy with how we did. Did any of you enter in the fair? I'd love to hear how you did!


  1. Wow!! Congrats to you both!!!! That's awesome!!!!!!

  2. WOW!!! You two cleaned up!!! :) How exciting! How are you and Trevor going to celebrate?

  3. Wow! That's a ton of ribbons! Congrats on all of your projects doing so well.

  4. Wow. You both are professional competitors! Congrats on your wins!

  5. You guys are a blue ribbon family. But then, I always knew that! Big congrats to you and Trevor.


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