


Sometimes, layouts come together quickly and easily for me. Other times, it's a huge struggle right from the get-go. This layout seemed like it was going to come together easily. The photo selection was simple and they fit together nicely into a layout I liked. I chose the patterned papers quickly and added the white background square and grey letters. Everything was going smoothly, and then it all came screeching to a halt. No matter what I did, I couldn't find a way to add the red accents I wanted in the layout. I tried dozens of different things, setting the layout aside so many times in hopes that a fresh eye would bring the solution. Eventually, I came up with this:

I don't love it, but I don't hate it either. I'm glad it's off the desk and into the album, my story of Trevor's first time trying cross-country skiing safely recorded. Fingers crossed the next layout goes more smoothly.


  1. I think it's fabulous! I am loving the photos and the colors!!!!!

  2. I think it looks great! But I get what you mean...we truly are our own worst critic!

  3. Isn't it funny how we all go through a 'scrap block' from time to time? I started working on some layouts over the weekend ... sped through a few and then got totally stuck on one that's still on my desk. Each day I look at it, tweak a few things, and walk away. I was even thinking about it on my way to work this morning, LOL! I think I'll try reprinting my journaling, and switch sides with a photo, and see if that changes anything for me. I really love how your layout came out, so I know there's hope for me! :)

  4. I love it! I think the bits of red are perfect and work well with the red stripes in his coat!

  5. The end product looks great. I guess the need to keep your layouts relatively flat narrows your options.


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