

Trick or Treating, 2014

The forecast called for heavy rain and possible thunderstorms on Halloween, but the skies were completely clear when we set out for trick-or-treating and stayed that way all evening. Trevor and his friends had a great time. This year, I didn't even attempt to take photos as the kids knocked on doors or zipped down the street to the next house. Just a decent group shot before it got completely dark and we were good to go.

I love Halloween.


  1. Cute layout. Love the big banner and the trio of bats. Gives it a great Halloween feel. That's such a cute picture of Trevor and his fellow trick-or-treaters too. I love Halloween photos and layouts any time of year!

  2. Loveeeeeeeee this! LOVING the colors and the pumpkins!!!!!!

  3. This looks fabulous! Love the dark background with the bold pops of orange and yellow accents!

  4. Perfect photo and layout! :) I love the title font, bats, pumpkin grouping and the orange horizontal borders. It all looks so good!! I love Halloween, too!

  5. Awesome Halloween layouts this year Cindy! Love this one!! :)


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