

Gift Card Bouquet, Version 2

Here's version 2 of the gift card bouquet, using different colors of Pull Flowers from Little B. 

I didn't have an extra pickle jar, but as I was digging around for something to use instead, I found a small glass jar. I didn't want to use floral foam in it since that would be ugly, so I filled it with glass pebbles. Instead of using skewers, I attached the gift cards to floral picks that I had on hand. (There are significant advantages to being a craft hoarder having a well-stocked craft room.) I put Glue Dots on the bottom of each pick and stuck them into the vase. I added a second Glue Dot to each pick to anchor it where I wanted along the lip of the vase. It worked like a charm!

Then it was time for the flowers. I made the flowers and this time I trimmed off the strings. I used Glue Dots to attach the flowers to the fronts of the cards and the floral picks. I used nine flowers to hide the cards and create a pleasing bouquet. Here are the two bouquets, side by side.

I like them both. Expect to see more gift card bouquets from me in the future. 


  1. They both turned out amazing! I love them!!!!!!!!!!

  2. What a great idea, Cindy! So creative!!! I love them both! I think anyone would be very happy to get this thoughtful and absolutely beautiful gift!

  3. I think these are both beautiful, and totally creative. Great job Cindy!

  4. They look fabulous! Love a gift that's aesthetically appealing and practical!

  5. Beautiful! What a fabulous idea!! :)


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