

NSD Challenge #8: A Number as a Title, Wood and Black/White Only

I know I said that the stamping, triangle and speech bubble challenge was the toughest for me, but Challenge #8 was a close second. For that challenge, I had to use a number as a title, a wood element, and black/white only. Color photos were ok. (My challenge, my rules... right? Right.)

I looked through all my photos trying to see if any of them would make sense with a number as a title. I'd already scrapped the obvious things, like Trevor's annual birthday layout or our 2014 Christmas card photo. And then I realized that I've been titling an entire album with nothing but numbers!

The next not-yet-scrapped, new-to-me food was.... well... I'm not totally sure what it's called, which made it PERFECT for using just the number as a title! The name of this food is around 19 letters long, in a language I don't speak, with letters I don't recognize. I'm almost sure it's Thai. The subtitle, if you will, was in English and read "tomato flavoured cracker."

I fussy-cut the photos of both the food and its package. I used a strip of faux wood paper to look like a tabletop against a white wall, mounted the whole thing on black, added black stickers for the 11 and then journaled with black pen on white. Success!

Not only was the layout challenge a success, but so was the food. This unpronounceable tomato flavoured cracker was fantastic! It was puffy and crunchy and light, with a sweet and slightly spiced, deep tomato flavor. If marinara sauce were a chip, this is what it would be. I gave it a 9. So good!


  1. I LOVE how this turned out!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I think the wood grain paper is so cool. It looks just like the food is sitting on the table. Very neat!

  3. Love the little "scene" you created! You dd great on the challenge!

  4. Great fussy cutting work. This was a tough challenge! I had the title and the wood, but couldn't pull off the black and white with my photos. It was fun trying to plan it out, though.

  5. What a creative design! It really looks as a table with the snacks on it.

  6. Love it! I kind of thought when I saw the first post with the challenges that you would be sharing one of your new foods with this one! :) And I really want to try those... where did you get them?!

    1. They were from a tiny local Asian market. They're well-worth seeking out, but good luck trying to Google them!


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