


I will freely admit that our family is obsessed with all things rabbit. We recently celebrated the 4th anniversary of the day Trouble joined our family. (Of course we celebrate Trouble's adoption day!) If you haven't before, check out my rabbit-themed crafts, foods, and informational posts.

Anyway.... rabbits. We love them. I spotted this beauty behind the baseball field during one of Trevor's practices. I took more photos of the jackrabbit than I did of Trevor!

This cutie was at the capital building in Denver, Colorado. All the other tourists were facing the capital to take their photos. We were the only ones around who were taking photos bent down, with our backs to the building.

This stepping stone was at the stunning Cheyenne Botanic Gardens in Wyoming. I would have bought it if it were for sale, despite what a challenge it would have been to take home on the plane.

I tell you all this to help you understand something that has made me laugh every day for over a month. Steve is an embedded software engineer who primarily works from home. He frequently gets packages from coworkers, most containing parts for testing. He uses the label maker I bought him years ago to label each item as it comes in. He recently labeled multiple packages of hardware. It wasn't until he'd attached the labels to the boxes that he noticed he'd made a typo on one of the labels. Instead of HARDWARE, it said HAREWARE. I told him that if he peeled it off the box and attached it to the basket we use to hold Trouble's care items, I'd laugh every time I saw it.

It's been well over a month and I'm still giggling.


  1. LOL!! That's hilarious!!!! There is a little bunny that hangs around the YMCA where Brookie goes for summer camp/swim team and for us the gym ... and I have yet been fast enough to grab my phone to get a pic!!!!

  2. Hahahaha!
    Love that stepping stone!


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