

Bunny Grapes and Olives

Happy International Rabbit Day! Technically, it's tomorrow, but it's never too early to celebrate. From the House Rabbit Society website:
On International Rabbit Day, we think about the many ways that rabbits bring joy to our lives, and also the many ways in which they are harmed, by hunting, eating, medical experimentation, product testing, fur-farming, and living isolated lives in outdoor hutches. House Rabbit Society's mission states that "ALL rabbits are valuable as individuals, regardless of breed purity, temperament, state of health, or relationship to humans. The welfare of all rabbits is our primary consideration. In line with our mission, we are against the exploitation of rabbits...Domestic rabbits are companion animals and should be afforded at least the same individual rights, level of care, and opportunity for longevity as commonly afforded to dogs and cats who live as human companions."
We absolutely adore our house rabbit, Trouble. Last year, I shared A Day in the Life of Trouble deRosier, which is a great place to start if you've ever wondered what it's like to keep an uncaged rabbit as a pet. (Spoiler alert: It's awesome.) I'd also encourage you to check out the rest of my rabbit-related posts, including rabbit-inspired crafts, foods and more.

Here's a quick and easy treat to make with the kids to celebrate International Rabbit Day. It's from Jacques Pepin, one of my all-time favorite TV chefs. Be sure to watch to the end.

Happy International Rabbit Day!


  1. OMYGOSH!! Those are sooooooooo fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I don't know if that is quick and easy (for a whole platter) but the grape bunnies certainly are adorable. One or two would be a fun accompaniment. Kids would be delighted, no doubt. Really cute idea. Happy rabbit day to Trouble!


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