

Hoppy Holidays!

If you are looking for Project Penguin (Trevor's craft challenge for kids), you can find it here.


Each year, I send out Christmas cards with a photo of the three of us. This year, I made an additional photo card for the wonderful people at Contra Costa Rabbit Rescue. We adopted Trouble from CCRR in June 2011. They have been absolutely wonderful over the years, from teaching us about life with a house rabbit to boarding Trouble during long vacations. We are so grateful for everything they do to give rabbits the life they deserve in a loving home.

Making this card gave me another excuse to play with PicMonkey. I've been using it for both work and play for about a month now and I'm still discovering cool features I didn't realize it had. Seriously, PicMonkey should start paying me. I can't shut up about it!


  1. Awwwwwwww that's adorable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Uh-oh! I think someone is addicted!!! Oh well, there are worse things to be addicted to! Very cute card and bunny (or should I say there a difference?)!


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