

Project Penguin #2: Our Mascot, Pengy

Hello and welcome back! This is Trevor. Today we will be making our Project Penguin mascot, Pengy!

Materials: wood or plastic egg (or a real egg!), black paint, glue, felt (black and orange), scissors, googly eyes

Step 1: Paint your penguin black, like this:

Step 2: Glue googly eyes to the eye areas. 

Step 3: Cut out orange felt in the shape of a triangle and glue that in place as a beak. Cut out two black ovals. Glue just the tops to make the flippers. Cut out orange feet that look like duck feet and glue them on the bottom.

Now it's your turn! Make Pengy or your own mascot inspired by Pengy. You have until January 3 to enter.


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