

Aware and Care: Simulated Braille Craft

This month, I've had the pleasure of leading Trevor's Cub Scout den as they work on the 'Aware and Care' elective. We've done activities to simulate blindness, including trying to sort and count coins while blindfolded. We've learned about severe visual impairments and made blindfolds for ourselves from plastic wrap to experience what cataracts are like. We've watched a short cartoon with no sound to try to get meaning without the benefit of hearing. We've taped our fingers together to simulate dexterity impairment and tried to write, color, and solve a maze. 

Most recently, we had a wonderful presentation from my goddaughter Kylinn about living with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. We tried Kylinn's crutches, boot casts, splints, braces and other medical equipment to simulate mobility impairments. The boys really enjoyed her presentation and asked lots of great questions. 

It's been a joy watching Trevor and his friends show such compassion and caring for those who have different abilities than their own. Here is a craft they did to learn about reading without eyesight.


Simulated Braille Name Craft


  • white index card 
  • black cardstock
  • pen
  • hole punch
  • glue


Write your name on the lower half of the index card. Punch holes from the black paper. Save the holes. Look on a chart to see how each letter of your name is formed in braille. Glue the holes to form the letters.

When the glue is dry, you can run your finger over the card and feel the raised spots. Here are the Cub Scouts with their finished name tags.

The final activity for their Aware and Care elective is a field trip to learn about Guide Dogs for the Blind, from puppy raising through becoming a working guide. I can't wait! 


  1. That is awesome!!!! Brookie's school is the designated school in the district for the 'sunshine' kids (special needs) - and I believe it has helped not only Brookie, but the other kids in school to accept people that are labeled 'different' by society :) When we have dropped Brookie off at school and hung out for a bit on the playground watching her, the special ed teachers are bringing in the 'sunshine' kids, it's inspiring to me when I see the playground teacher tell students to move their backpacks out of the way or move themselves out of the way, not one student gets an attitude with the teacher - they just do it, and more times than not I see the same kids saying good morning to the other students. :)

  2. Thank you so much for sharing all of your wonderful ideas.


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