

Urban Adventure Quest, Sacramento

A few months ago, friends of ours told us about a smartphone-based challenge called Urban Adventure Quest they'd completed in Sacramento. It sounded like so much fun! I looked into it and ended up buying it as a gift for my inlaws to do with us over Trevor's spring break. It was so fabulous that I have to tell you all about it!

After paying, I received log-in information and instructions. We went to the designated start location (Capitol Avenue and 16th Street) and eagerly read the instructions for our first of 17 challenges. The timer started and we were off!

Each challenge took a bit of searching, counting, calculating, and/or puzzling, but none was so difficult for us to need a hint. But hints and support are available for anyone who needs either. There were also four bonus questions interspersed amongst the challenges.

Our group of five is very familiar with Sacramento, yet the challenges were still challenging. We didn't automatically know the answers most of the time, nor necessarily where exactly to find them! 

The challenges taught us a lot about a city we know well. I can only imagine how neat it would be to visit a new-to-me city as a tourist and complete an Urban Adventure Quest! 

Two Quest challenges took us inside the Capitol. While Trevor has seen the outside of the Capitol dozens of times and explored the Capitol grounds a handful of times, he'd never actually been inside. 

Last year, in conjunction with his Little Passports album, we started making a point to take Trevor to each Capitol building as we visit a new-to-him state. Obviously California isn't a new-to-him state, but I'm glad he's finally seen the inside of the Capitol building. It is quite different from the others he's seen, which in turn have been quite different from each other.

The Sacramento quest covered 2 miles, essentially down Capitol Avenue from 16th Street to 1st Street in Old Sacramento. We strolled at a leisurely pace. (Note Steve's knee brace and the walking stick he's using as a cane in the photo below. As a not-unrelated aside, did I mention that Steve and I started taking ice skating lessons two weeks ago?)

We completed the whole Quest, with all challenges and bonuses answered correctly, in exactly 2 hours, 4 minutes and 2 seconds. You can see how we rank compared to all those who have completed the Sacramento Quest by clicking here. We're Team deRosier. 

You might be saying, "This sounds great, but I do not live near Sacramento and have no plans to visit your lovely capital city." To this I say, "Check out the dozens of Urban Adventure Quest locations to find one near you!" If you're in the US, that is. If you're not in the US, come visit! Urban Adventure Quest is adding 10 new locations in 2016 on top of the many already available. 

Unfortunately, when I contacted Urban Adventure Quest to ask about whether they had an affiliate program (because I knew I'd be glowing about them on my blog!), I learned that they do not have nor want an affiliate program. Drat! But they were kind enough to send me a discount code to share with all of you! To get 25% off an Urban Adventure Quest, use the code CINDY25.

Let me know if you end up doing an Urban Adventure Quest! We're going to do at least one this summer and I hope to eventually do lots more!


  1. That sounds AWESOME!!!! LOVING the photos from your adventure!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Oh goodness! That sounds really awesome AND there's one in New Orleans. I wonder if I could convince my husband to do it.

    1. It would complement your homeschooling beautifully, I'm sure!

  3. Wow. It sounds like a lot of learning fun!

  4. Hi Cindy! First of all, I want to thank you so much for your kind comment left on my blog! And secondly, your urban adventure quest was absolutely amazing and I am off to look into ones in our area! I really enjoyed reading your blog post and seeing your photos!

  5. This looks so fun! My family would love this. I checked out the locations and we are very spoiled living in SoCal- there are several cities that are quite close to us that we could participate in. Thanks for sharing!


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