

April Photo Challenge: Eye Bombing

For my April photo challenge, I decided to skip the scavenger-hunt style lists I used for January, February and March and do something different.

I know. It's a bit shocking. But different can be good.

Unfortunately, there is something wrong with my camera. I depend on it for all my blogging, so I'm somewhat lost without it. Aaaagggh!

All of these photos were taken with Trevor's camera. I'm not used to it and am frustrated trying to get shots I know I could get with my own camera.

I'm trying to keep a stiff upper lip and just deal with it.

Sometimes I'm satisfied with the photos I get.

Often, I'm not.

I probably should do something about getting it fixed or looking into a new camera, but frankly I'm hoping that woodland creatures will come in the night and solve the problem for me.

I suppose I could try to improve my skills using Trevor's camera....

"Do or do not. There is no try."

"You have learned much, young one."


If you've never tried it, I highly recommend Eye Bombing! Get some self-adhesive googly eyes (affiliate link) or regular ones and a dry repositionable adhesive, then grab your camera and head out. I took all these photos within a few blocks of our house. As a firm believer in Leave No Trace, I put the googly eyes in place, took the photograph, then picked them back up. It was so fun looking at ordinary items we see every day and trying to find a face in them!


  1. How fun! I loveeeeeeeee these!! Hope your camera gets better soon ... or at least the camera fairy fixes it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. What fun! Love these shots!!!


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