

Hunger Action Month Presentation

Yesterday, this happened:

Trevor had asked his teacher if he could give a presentation to the class as an ambassador for Hunger Action Month. We invited his friend/classmate/neighbor Avery to help. 

Avery came to our house on Tuesday to prepare for their presentation. We drizzled orange Wilton Candy Melts (affiliate link) over popcorn, then bagged it up with a note. We decorated a shoebox to hold donations. We practiced what each of them would say during the presentation.

And somehow, we resisted eating any of the popcorn until everything was done, even though it smelled amazing. 

The finished bags looked really cute. 


So did the donation box. 

Trevor and Avery did a great job teaching their classmates about hunger in our community. The kids were very bothered to learn that 1 in 8 people do not have enough food. They were amazed that the Food Bank can provide 2 meals for every $1 donated. They were surprised to hear that the Food Bank is able to get food much more inexpensively than we can, so while donating food is wonderful, donating money is even more helpful. They were eager to learn more about volunteer opportunities sorting cans and bagging produce at the Food Bank. 

Each of us, no matter our age, can make a difference in the fight against hunger. These two 10-year olds have educated 30 others (who presumably will educate their friends and family). That's where it starts. 


  1. How AWESOME! So glad their presentation went well!!!!!!!!!

  2. Thank you so much for making such a thoughtful presentation!

  3. Trevor and Avery: you really are making a difference! Thank you so much!!

  4. I am so proud of those kids! Way to go!

  5. This is a great example that kids can make a difference, too. Way to go Trevor, Avery and Cindy!


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