

"How is This Not on the Blog?!"

Every so often, I try to link to a scrapbook layout or craft that I thought was on the blog but actually isn't. I've been really good about sharing pretty much everything I've made since starting the blog in 2011, but for the most part, the older stuff isn't here. That wouldn't be as much of a problem if I actually remembered off the top of my head what I made before and after April 2011, but my memory is not nearly that good. So I end up doing a search, only to find that it isn't here after all. It's irritating.

Speaking of searches... I've been fairly happy with Blogger over the years. It's easy to use and can do most of what I need it to do. But I've known for quite awhile that I need to migrate to Wordpress for those things that Blogger can't do. Chief among them: decent searches. Blogger's search feature is absolutely terrible. There are times when I can't find a post I've written on my own blog because the search feature is so lousy. Steve, Chief Technology Officer here at My Creative Life, is going to help me make the switch to Wordpress soon. More on that later.

Today I'm sharing some of the pre-2011 layouts that I've searched for recently thinking were on the blog when they actually weren't. So now they are.

Scrapped Jan 09

Scrapped Jan 09

Scrapped Nov 09

Scrapped March 08

Scrapped Aug 09

I don't look back at old pages nearly often enough. I should. There are some real treasures in there. 


  1. I loveeeeeeeeeee these!!!! And I need to look back at my older ones too! Sometimes I will run across one, and think, I made that??? When?? LOL!!!!

  2. I'm totally with you on the blogger search feature. It's not great at all!

    You know what is great? Getting to look at your older pages! Thanks for sharing them with us.

  3. Oh my gosh, Cindy! I just tried to search my blog and felt just as frustrated as you!!!! Arghhhh . . . And I don't have a chief IT person except when Katie is home! LOL! Anyway I am with Heather - it is so wonderful to get to see your older pages. These are absolute treasures for you and for Trevor!!!!!

  4. Love, love all your layouts but my faves are the "Enjoying Leaves" and "Game Addicts" layouts!!
    BTW - I've recently noticed a lot of bloggers making the switch and I've been wondering if I should too, but I don't know enough about blogging to know if it would be beneficial? Since you're making the switch, perhaps you can write a post as to why (besides the search function) for us that are clueless. My main concern is the loss of all the blog posts I've written thus far!
    One final comment... I've recently been looking at my older layouts and loving them, so I am "feeling" your last sentence, 100%

    1. If Blogger is working fine for you and doing everything you want it to, don't switch. It's easy to use and has plenty of features for ordinary blogging. I need several things Wordpress has that Blogger doesn't, including a better tagging system, the ability to set posts to 'Pending' instead of just 'Publish' or 'Draft', improved SEO tools, the ability to make categories, etc. If you migrate properly, you don't lose old blog posts, though they may need some reformatting. It's a big nuisance, but for me, it's time.


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