

Malibu and the Mauli Ola Foundation

For several years, my nephew Timothy has participated in a really neat event put on by the Mauli Ola Foundation. During their Surf Experience Days, kids with cystic fibrosis are teamed up with professional surfers for a day at the beach. Surfing in salt water provides a natural therapy for those with CF.

Steve, Trevor and I had heard about Timothy's surfing events and seen pictures, but we'd never actually been to one. So when the opportunity came up for us to go, we did. We spent the day before the event exploring the La Brea Tar Pits and Santa Monica, then watched Timothy surfing in Malibu. It was awesome.

Thank you to the Mauli Ola Foundation for all you do. 


  1. What a great thing to do! I loveeeeeeeeee this!!!!!!!!!

  2. This sounds like such an amazing event. I just love the scrapbook page you created, Cindy, with all of the wonderful photos. And I love your hand-written journaling.


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