

The Story of Our Wedding Cake Topper

Thirteen years ago today, I became Cynthia Marie deRosier. It was a beautiful morning, with clear blue skies in a garden of roses. Steve and I had been planning our wedding for months, confident that everything would go just as we'd envisioned. Fortunately, the stuff that actually mattered went exactly as planned. Steve and I got married in a meaningful ceremony that included our closest friends and family. It was the most special day of our lives. I am thankful every day to have Steve as my husband.

Over the years, I've shared some of the layouts from our wedding album. I went through the album to find one that I hadn't shared on the blog and came across a page about our cake topper. On it, I share the story of one of the many little things at our wedding that didn't go quite as planned.

Here's the story:

This story is exactly why I love scrapbooking. In three paragraphs, I explained things that the pictures couldn't tell. I love that my stories are preserved in the albums and am especially grateful that I captured the memories from the best day of my life. 

Happy anniversary, Steve. I love you, forever and ever.


  1. Happy Anniversary Cindy and Steve! Cheers to many, many more!

  2. Happy anniversary!!!!!! What a great story to remember and thank goodness someone was able to make it work out in the end!!! Brian and I didn't have a cake, or topper for that matter ... we fed each other mini-chimi's from the local Mexican restaurant we all went to after the ceremony! LOL!!! :)

  3. Happy anniversary!
    I love the storytelling aspect of scrapbooking.

  4. I never knew this story and I have seen that picture so many times. Awesome layout and story. Makes me want to scrapbook my wedding even more. Maybe for our 20th anniversary in a few years :)


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