

Decorating Picture Frames with Patterned Paper and Washi Tape

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When my goddaughters' mom sent me the photos for their birthday frames, she included a few pictures of the girls with their birds. So I decided to frame those, too!


I began with unfinished wood frames and decorated them with patterned paper that is held in place with washi tape. If the girls want a different look for their frames, they can peel up the washi, remove the paper, and redecorate the frame however they want!


Decorated Picture Frames



  • Add a coat of white gesso to the front, sides, and back of the unfinished frames. Let it dry. Sand lightly to smooth any rough areas or places where the grain is raised. 
  • Cut the patterned paper to the same size as the frame. Round the corners. Place the frame upside down on the back side of the patterned paper and trace the opening. Cut just inside the pencil line using the trimmer. 
  • Place the patterned paper right side up on the front of the frame. Use long strips of washi tape around the outer and inner perimeters to hold the paper in place. 
  • Add letter stickers and hearts to decorate the frame. 
  • Insert the photo. That's all there is to it!


1 comment:

  1. What a great idea! I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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