

US Geography Games and a Winner!

As a former fifth grade teacher, I can easily identify all 50 states on a map and can name their capitals without hesitation. Apparently, what I cannot do is draw them by memory. My friend Nikki sent me a link to a Can You Draw the States? challenge. This is how I did:

The program prompts you with each of the states one by one, which you then draw using your mouse. You get a letter grade for how you did. I got an A+ for Nebraska and an F for Alaska, just to give you an idea. Now, to be fair, I have a new mouse and am not used to its sensitivity, not that my mouse skills were ever all that good. I can't draw a nice rectangle to save my life, as you can clearly see by looking at the Dakotas, Wyoming, and Colorado. 

Despite how ridiculous some of the states look, I suspect I did better than many. promises, "We'll be anonymously recording your drawings in order to analyze how different people view states. Stay tuned for GIFs of many different attempts at the same state." I can't wait. 


If you're looking for more online games to test your knowledge of US geography, I recommend There are a bunch of fun quizzes, ranging from the very easy to the ridiculously difficult. Find the US States Ultimate Minefield is my favorite among the latter category.  


And finally, it is time to award a winner for the Little Passports giveaway. Congratulations to


Contact me at and I'll get you set up with Early Explorers for your grandson!


  1. I can tell you I would have gotten in F all the way around, even in the state I live in!!! MY mouse skills are horrible!! LOL!!! CONGRATS to Karen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Congrats Karen! And Congrats Cindy for knowing all that "stuff"! LOL! ;0)
    I'm with Julie as far as how well I would do!


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