

Bat Crafts and Recipes

I've been having so much fun with bat crafts and wondered if anyone had done a good job with a cardboard tube bat. A Google search revealed quite a few, but this was my favorite. Aren't they cute?!

Unfortunately, the photo is a dead end, so I can't credit the artist or see a tutorial. I tried an image search, but it just brings me to a bunch of Pinterest boards, which in turn lead to a site that is sharing it without a link. So frustrating! I can't tell how the bats are made or what materials the artist used. If you can find the original source or have ideas about how they're made, please let me know. 

In the process of searching, I did find a bunch of other adorable bats crafts. All were properly pinned and/or credited. You'll find the links to the tutorials below each.   

By happy coincidence, I'm putting together a round-up of bat projects for Fun Family Crafts, so expect to see these and more the next time I share a batch of round-ups!


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