

Craft Categories and Christmas Break

December has been a little crazy for me. I have been hard at work making Christmas gifts (which I'll share in upcoming weeks), preparing for my AFCI presentation, and doing a massive reorganization of all my craft tutorials. Remember the HUGE undertaking I did back in June to create the US Travel page of my website? Well, this is bigger. Much bigger.

If you click on that photo, it will take you to a page with photos of my Christmas crafts, with links to each individual photo. But that's not all. I've done the same for the rest of the holidays and seasons. It's still a work in progress, but I will eventually have a gallery-style index of all my craft tutorials. It's been a ridiculous amount of work, but I am so happy with the results. Check out the progress of my Crafts by Holiday/Topic page!

I will be taking a week-long break from blogging. Merry Christmas to you all! And thank you for supporting My Creative Life

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