

Hunger Action Month, A Delicious Veggie Scramble Sandwich, and How to Help

September is Hunger Action Month. Hunger is a major problem that affects approximately 1 in 8 people. I feel strongly that no one should go hungry. Together, we can make a difference by advocating, raising awareness, donating money, and volunteering our time to help eliminate hunger. 

Our local food bank provides food to more than 178,000 food-insecure people, 25% of whom are children. Trevor and I have been helping with produce distribution this month. Not only is it hugely rewarding to give people much-needed food, but it's a lot of fun! Our site manager, Nick, cranks up the oldies and we all chat and share recipes and ideas for the week's produce. 

In fact, one of our dinners last week was inspired by our conversations during produce distribution. One man mentioned how much he likes to put vegetables in omelets, pointing to the carrots. I've made omelets with all sorts of vegetables, but never carrots. Why not give it a try? I gathered carrots, zucchini, and tomatoes from our garden and whipped up a scramble, which I served as a sandwich in buttery, toasted ciabatta bread. Delicious!  

In addition to helping with distribution, we went to the Food Bank with the Scouts to bag produce. You can see the apples in the foreground. That was just one of several bins that size. In the background you can see some of the pallets of onions on the left and potatoes on the right. Out of the frame - carrots, pears, cabbage, and much more. It is very satisfying to see all that produce and know that it will be feeding the hungry. 

During Hunger Action Month, I encourage you to do what you can to make a difference. That might mean advocatingdonating money or volunteering your time. If you'd like to join our family to distribute food, just let me know and I'd be happy to bring you along. If you can't do anything else, please take the time to learn a little bit more about the issue of hunger

If you are local to me and need food for whatever reason, please know that there are many resources out there. Tell me what you need or check this list for distribution sites.


  1. Glad that you are doing your part in your community to help those in need. That veggie scramble sandwich looks yummy!

  2. What a great place to volunteer!! Loving the photos!!

  3. Thank you for all that you to make a difference in our community!


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